Where Sense8 Went Wrong
Rating: Worth Watching
Eight diverse individuals from around the world begin communicating telepathically with one another and find their lives intertwined as they help one another in a struggle for survival.
General Reaction:
For those who do not like their entertainment to be overtly preachy, this is probably not the show for you. Yes, there is a strong LGBT message. The characters do indulge in some excesses, which I really don’t think need to be so overtly and graphically shown in detail, such as several “orgy” scenes in which characters mentally participate in each others sexual acts. It could just as easily be suggested and left at that. But I do understand that it is part of the shows message to hit people in the face with things and make them uncomfortable if necessary so that they can’t ignore it and must face their own feelings and assumptions about such issues — whatever they ultimately conclude for themselves. I also understand that many people would probably indulge in similar excesses when they first awaken into this world of new sensations, at least until they got used to it. So I can’t say that it was not realistic. Despite some of these uncomfortable experiences, as well as being overtly preachy, Sense8 is worth watching.
Warning — Contains Spoilers
The first season of Sense8 was a stunningly positive vision of humanity. It was about people of all forms, be it race, sexual orientation, etcetera, waking up, coming together and discovering that we are all interconnected. It was about celebrating our similarities rather than our differences. It was about sharing with one another, learning from one another and helping one another. Yes, there was opposition to this process, a conflict that every story needs to provide the tension that drives the story forward. These were those who were seeking to manipulate and control humanity, and the Sense8, out of both fear and for their own personal gains — a direct opposition to freely sharing and helping one another for the mutual benefit of all. It was the old paradigm verses the new paradigm. The reason we watched was in the simple joy of rooting for the coming together of humanity as a species, represented by the Sense8, and triumphing over narcissistic individualism. . . but then the series went completely wrong.
The Sense8 should have never been made into a separate species. Rather than being a story about unity, it became a story about separation and division. No longer could we feel good about humanity and its ability to come together and evolve as a species, for it was not humanity who was doing it at all. It was a separate species. It became a story of this other species being good and humanity being bad. No longer was it about human nature and its ability to ultimately triumph over things like division, greed and power tripping. It became a condemnation of humanity — and although we already recognize that there is a part of that darkness within us that we need to overcome, this vision of humanity as a whole simply does not resonate with us. We know and recognize, deep within our core, that the vast majority of humanity is ultimately good, and that it yearns for, and ultimately expects, humanity to overcome divisiveness for unity. If the Sense8 had remained average members of the human race who were awakening and evolving, the story would have been great. It was when the show separated them from humanity by making them a separate species that it broke apart.
Is Sense8 still worth watching? Sure. Just don’t expect to be satisfied with it from what it sets up in the first season. For this reason, I give Sense8 two stars. This means that it is worth watching for free or on a service that you are already paying for, so that you are not out any additional money.
Worth Buying: 5 Stars
Worth Watching in the Theater: 4 Stars
Worth Renting: 3 Stars
Worth Watching: 2 Stars
Not Worth Watching: 1 Star