My greatest disappointment with The Haunting of Bly Manor
The most disappointing aspect of The Haunting of Bly Manor was in the story of its history and the origins of the Lady in the Lake. Not the story its self, mind you, which was perfectly splendid, but how they chose to go about telling it. Rather than showing us, allowing us to experience this story, we were instead subjected to a massive information dump in the form of an episode long exposition. If they wanted to take this rout, to provide a story within the confines of the season long story, it would have served the writers well to have studied Part 8 of Twin Peaks, Season 3, to see how this is properly accomplished. There is so much to this back story, however, it is so rich and full, that any attempt to tell it in a single episode (or even two) was doomed to a miserable failure from the start. It would have better served the telling to have extended the story arch over two seasons, or at least an extended 1st season, with the primary focus of the second season or part being that of this back story, allowing us to experience the characters and their nuances, and to learn of Viola’s connection to the larger story organically through its telling.