My greatest disappointment with The Haunting of Bly ManorThe most disappointing aspect of The Haunting of Bly Manor was in the story of its history and the origins of the Lady in the Lake. Not…Oct 22, 2020Oct 22, 2020
Down the rabbit hole with David Lynch: David Lynch’s RabbitsThings Everyone Should See At Least OnceJun 18, 2020Jun 18, 2020
2001: A Space Odyssey is an Open Ended Circle2001: A Space Odyssey, widely accepted as one of the greatest films ever made, is a circular creation myth.Feb 12, 2020Feb 12, 2020
TESSALO: Hand ThingHand Thing is a well known viral YouTube video from ShayeSaintJohn. Shaye Saint John is a fictional former model who had become disfigured…Jan 31, 2020Jan 31, 2020
DOCTOR SLEEP FILM REVIEWDoctor Sleep is yet another victim in the now seemingly endless tragedy of over-hyped films. It is a good film, and if you managed to go…Nov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019
MORON ENTERTAINMENT FILM RATINGS GUIDEHaving lived much of my life struggling paycheck to paycheck, never sure if I was going to have enough to pay my bills or buy food, let…Nov 10, 2019Nov 10, 2019